We talk about everything and everybody. Nothing escapes to our posts. Feel free to comment too...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Progress DVD Review. 6th Part: Take That as a 5 Piece (4)

Buenas noches, queridos lectores. Hoy traigo la sección a una hora un poco más tarde de lo habitual, pero total, solo me leeis dos, así que creo que no os molestara espera un poquito. Como sabéis, hoy es el último día de la Review del Progress DVD, no lloréis, sé que era buena, pero esto no se acaba aquí. Os invito a que realicéis sugerencias de conciertos/películas/series… cualquier cosa que pueda verse y comentarse, y seguiré realizando una sección.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Progress DVD Review. 5th Part: Take That as a 5 Piece (3)

Buenas tardes internautas, cómo va la cosa? Por aquí ya casi hemos acabado con la review. Hoy será cortita, solo dos canciones. Son lo que yo denomino: “las canciones de puticlub”.

Gene Kelly

A great actor, a wonderful dancer and a handsome man.

And one of his most famous performances. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Progress DVD Review. 4th Part: Take That as a 5 Piece (2)

Qué tal el día bloggeros? Deseando amargaros el día con mi review del Progress DVD? No sé qué vamos a hacer cuando acabe… Se admitirán propuestas. Allá vamos.

Tuesday 13th

Tuesday 13th. An unlucky day. In Spain is like Friday 13th. But don't mind...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Progress DVD Review. 1st Part: Take That as a 4 piece

Voy a hacer un comentario pormenorizado del DVD de la última gira de Take That (contiene SPOILERS). También contiene comentarios que a las groupies no van a gustarles, así que si eres una groupie, deja de leer.

(Note: if anyone is interested to read this post in english, please leave a comment and i try to translate... I'm really lazy to do it right now).

Monday, December 5, 2011

About the weather

I have my nose cold. And even if I have it, we´re not in Winter.

A thing you should know about spanish weather is that we don't have 4 seasons. No, we only have 3 seasons: winter, summer and winmmer. You'll be asking yourself wtf is winmmer. I just invented the word. Winmmer is a remix between summer and winter. right now is winmmer in Spain.

My new gloves

My new gloves

I don't like Mondays


5.30: alarm rings
5.35: I drag myself into the shower while trying to open my eyes. As I can't, just use my hands to guide me to the bathroom